Friday, November 25, 2022

Friday semi-marathon

So, some of the SAW peeps had a maxi-session on this Friday holiday-for-a-lot-of-folks, and from 7 am to Noon I participated in reviewing three of the Friday Night Workshop videos and doing the exercises. here we go...

The first was Simple and Specific. The exercise was to evoke a very specific emotional response or feeling in four panels, using minimal words (sound effects allowed). We did it in under twenty minutes. Here's mine:

The next was Four Panel Fun and it had a very specific prompt. We were to find three things in our space to use as characters and a prop and then create a four-panel strip with this structure:

  1. Introduce the characters and prop in a context.
  2. Introduce conflict.
  3. Deal with the conflict.
  4. Resolve the conflict (or not).

Here's what I used:

Here's the strip:

The last one I did was Drawing Monsters. The first part asked us to draw some blobs on the paper and then turn them into monsters and name them.

In the second exercise, we were given a series of specific prompts and sixty seconds to draw a monster from each prompt.

  1. Monster with at least seven eyes
  2. Baby minster
  3. Minster with hooves
  4. Extremely long monster
  5. Monster that is strong but not large
  6. Monster with a long tongue
  7. Monster with a hat on
  8. Monster in the water
  9. Monster with a stomach ache
  10. Monster wearing glasses
  11. Monster with too many horns

After so much fiddly-bit work on Captain Stratosphere, it was nice to try some different styles. Most of all, it was great to spend some time with my online community, sharing experiences and tips and stories and art.

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