So, I updated the Buck Rogers pastiche comic so it would be more understandable out of context; to wit, with this cover:
New flip book link here:
If you want to be a cartoonist,
live the life of a cartoonist. — Oliver Gaspirtz
So, I updated the Buck Rogers pastiche comic so it would be more understandable out of context; to wit, with this cover:
New flip book link here:
So, some of the SAW peeps had a maxi-session on this Friday holiday-for-a-lot-of-folks, and from 7 am to Noon I participated in reviewing three of the Friday Night Workshop videos and doing the exercises. here we go...
The first was Simple and Specific. The exercise was to evoke a very specific emotional response or feeling in four panels, using minimal words (sound effects allowed). We did it in under twenty minutes. Here's mine:
The next was Four Panel Fun and it had a very specific prompt. We were to find three things in our space to use as characters and a prop and then create a four-panel strip with this structure:
Here's what I used:
Here's the strip:
The last one I did was Drawing Monsters. The first part asked us to draw some blobs on the paper and then turn them into monsters and name them.
In the second exercise, we were given a series of specific prompts and sixty seconds to draw a monster from each prompt.
After so much fiddly-bit work on Captain Stratosphere, it was nice to try some different styles. Most of all, it was great to spend some time with my online community, sharing experiences and tips and stories and art.
I made an IG post, but I guess this should go here as well... social media has gotten so confusing.
The November Strip has been completed, just in time for the holiday weekend!
Read the whole thing in flip-book version here.
As it turned out, it wasn't an eight-hour comic after all... here's the disclaimer from the last page:
As Captain Stratosphere and team fly off (to the left, for the first time in this comic), I would like to take a moment to (a) thank you for reading this and (b) explain its origin. A few of us in the SAW online cartooning community did not feel up to a 24-Hour Comics Day, so we had our own 8-Hour Comics Day. In the first four hours, I laid out the roughs for this strip and planned on finishing it that day. But as I started inking, I realized that to really capture an homage to Dick Calkins – his combination of sparse backgrounds, fussy detail, and weird hatching – I needed more time than that. So, I completed a whole ‘nother comic in the last four hours of the day, and gave myself time to really work on this one. I am still not sure just how successful it was, but it sure was fun.Have a great Spacegiving!